Sexual Harm Prevention Program


Our Sexual Harm Prevention Program (SHPP) offers two distinct treatment tracks: one for those with histories of sexual offending and one for those struggling with sexual addiction. We recognize that these two options sometimes overlap. Sexual offending can have a compulsive nature, and sexual addiction can cross the line into sexual offending.


In both programs, we teach people how to manage the behavioral choices that have created pain and chaos in their lives and the lives of others. With specialized intervention and/or treatment plans tailored to meet individual needs, established patterns of sexual behavior can be managed and transformed into a life that is both risk-free and superior.


We foster caring and respectful relationships and encourage participants to be so with their fellow group members. Treatment requires a commitment to ongoing accountability and the ability to create and maintain continued involvement with the support group they will create during their program. In addition, our therapists are prepared to bring people together for reconciliation/amends work at a family member’s or victim’s request and readiness.

Sexual Addiction
Sexual Addiction

In today’s world of pervasive sexualized media and easy access to online pornography, many adults find themselves addicted to sex and/or compulsive sexual behavior. Pornography, cybersex, prostitutes, indiscriminate sexual activity, incessant masturbation. such venues of sexual expression can result in a double life. These adults can become secretive, isolated, unhappy, and sometimes harmful toward others. We offer a group treatment program, augmented by individual, couples, and/or family interventions where necessary, to help people overcome their sexual addiction.

Sexual Offending
Sexual Offending

For nearly forty years, the clinicians at A Step Forward, inc. have been studying, assessing, treating, and measuring sexual risk in a variety of adults who engage in a wide range of sexually offensive behaviors, including exhibitionism, pedophilia, voyeurism, sexual assault, incest, sex trafficking, and the distributing and viewing of child pornography. We work with adults with secret histories of sexual offending; or those identifying themselves to be at risk for sexual offending; and those accused, charged, and/or adjudicated on criminal sex charges. Some people come voluntarily, and others arrive with mandates from family members or dependency/family or criminal Court, probation, or parole.


All therapists facilitating this specialized program are CASOMB (California Sex Offender Management Board) certified specialists. While working closely with probation, parole, Child and Family Services, and the Courts, we provide quarterly progress reports, forensic evaluations, and expert testimony. Our assessment and treatment protocols rely on evidence-based standards that have shown the best results for those who engage in sexually offensive behavior, and our treatment results are high with low re-offense rates.

CORR Men's Program
Aftercare Services

CORR is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide recovery resources for sexual assault survivors, perpetrators, families, and the greater community. Started in December of 2008, CORR is one of few support programs for those who have caused sexual harm. We help them to integrate with their families and victims through their commitment to do no harm, to offer amends where possible, and to support prevention by contributing to the eradication of sexual abuse.

CORR offers several cost-free,  monthly support groups where open dialogue, ongoing accountability, and continued involvement with paraprofessionals, professionals,  peers, family members, friends, victims, and the community are provided.  Attendees come together to share a meal, lend encouragement, problem solve, raise funds, and help one another with challenges such as employment, housing, and everyday accountability and responsibilities.

CORR also provides treatment referrals and financial assistance to aid healing where necessary.  Finally, CORR also supports those who have not caused sexual harm but who feel they are at risk for doing so.

For those seeking cost-free aftercare services, we invite you to visit the CORR website at